SAP Digital Manufacturing solutions

Master the digital transformation group-wide

FORCAM offers efficient solutions for your individual and highly complex manufacturing based on the state-of-the-art SAP Digital Manufacturing Cloud (SAP DMC) as well as Digital Manufacturing Suite (SAP ME and SAP MII). The Digital Manufacturing solutions enable companies to take full advantage of Industry 4.0 – with direct integration into your existing SAP ERP system. Whether edge, cloud, on-premise or hybrid architecture – you can choose from a range of standard components from machine connectivity to cross-company evaluations. Our experts cover all aspects of the manufacturing cycle, from planning to engineering to production.

The best of both worlds – market-leading solutions combined

By choosing SAP Digital Manufacturing for your existing SAP ERP landscape, you get market-leading machine connectivity from FORCAM combined with the most comprehensive Digital Manufacturing solution on the market. With the help of this vertical integration, the solutions can be directly integrated into your existing IT environment. In addition, you can integrate hundreds or thousands of machines into your digital factory and enterprise ecosystem in record time using standardized machine templates. The benefit: shortened implementation phases and a significant increase in efficiency, stability, transparency and quality, as well as a reduction in ongoing operating costs.

Digitize & optimize manufacturing processes across the group

Transparency on the Shopfloor

Gain complete transparency over all production states

Control of operating processes

Flexible tools for controlling and optimizing your production processes

Data-driven decisions

Decisions based on real-time analyses & forecasts

"Boost your manufacturing performance with integrated cloud MES and real-time analytics"

Digital Manufacturing Use Cases

Standardized & cross-site shop floor connectivity

With SAP Plant Connectivity and FORCAM FORCE EDGE, all desired shop floor components can be transformed into data sources. This means that heterogeneous machine parks can be digitized in a standardized manner. Thanks to already integrated machine templates, you have the possibility to carry out independent roll-outs in the shortest possible time. All machine data is available to the higher-level ME and ERP systems from SAP in real time.

Higher efficiency & lower operating costs

With SAP Digital Manufacturing, all manufacturing steps in production can be tracked and monitored seamlessly and in real time. This means that precise information about the progress and status of production orders is available at all times. The automated recording of success-critical KPIs such as OEE enables conclusions to be drawn at any time about availability, performance or capacity utilization. With the help of reports & analyses, optimization opportunities can be continuously identified in order to significantly increase overall plant effectiveness.

Sustainable manufacturing through predictions & forecasts

Predictive maintenance requires the ability to intelligently process and evaluate large amounts of data in a short time. This is usually not possible with a local implementation. An IoT-based solution enables the storage and processing of terabytes of data – enriched with machine learning algorithms that are used to predict potential hazards and accurately determine when industrial equipment is likely to fail. The advantages are:

  • Improvement of service profitability
  • Increase in equipment availability
  • Reduction of maintenance costs

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Three facts why FORCAM is your perfect partner

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Success Story: FORCAM partner increases efficiency and decreases scrap.   Learn How