
Energy Monitoring

Reduce your business’s bottom line and environmental impact

In the manufacturing industry, energy turnaround means, above all: rising energy prices. Increasing costs, however, reduce profits. But there is a way out of this impasse: the greatest energy-saving potential for your company lies dormant in every production process – with the right tools, you can exploit the potential.

With the FORCAM application Energy Management, you have full control over all energy consumption at all times and can thus significantly reduce costs. The Energy Management application records and documents the energy consumption in each of your plants and compares it with business data such as shifts and order volumes. Using evaluations in user-friendly graphics, you can identify systems with excessive energy consumption at a glance and eliminate energy guzzlers immediately.

Your added value

  • All consumption values are automatically recorded and monitored for you
  • You receive alarms when defined limit values are exceeded
  • You can compare similar systems directly
  • You immediately identify “energy guzzlers.”
  • You have full control over the effectiveness of all energy measures
  • You receive forecasts on consumption – and optimize your purchasing
Success Story: FORCAM partner increases efficiency and decreases scrap.   Learn How