SAP Digital Manufacturing Consulting

Use our expertise to successfully move your production to the cloud and benefit from the numerous advantages.

SAP Analytics Cloud - Example for Hybrid Digital Manufacturing Landscape
Example for Hybrid Digital Manufacturing Landscape ©2021 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

Mastering Manufacturing Challenges with SAP DM

The challenges for manufacturing companies are many:

  • Meeting orders with small batch sizes up to batch size 1
  • ensuring supply chain stability
  • Manage rising raw material and energy costs
  • Meet stringent regulatory requirements
  • stand up to global competition

These challenges can only be met in the digital age with a powerful MES (Manufacturing Execution System) solution.

One particularly powerful MES is the SAP Digital Manufacturing (DM). SAP DM helps companies meet challenges with state-of-the-art tools. You can meet your customers’ needs with the highest quality and respond to market changes more agilely. At the same time, you retain full control over costs.

Organizing digital transformation across the group

We are a silver and service partner of SAP. Based on SAP DM and the Digital Manufacturing Suite (SAP ME and SAP MII), we offer you sound consulting and services for optimized interaction between production and planning, between shop floor and shop floor. Our senior consultants actively support you in preparation, conception, implementation, and go-live.

FORCAM Consulting and Services

Our SAP-certified consultants can help you understand how to take full advantage of Industry 4.0 and Industrial IoT with SAP solutions for Smart Manufacturing.

Success Story: FORCAM partner increases efficiency and decreases scrap.   Learn How