
Efficient connection of all machines

The production goals for digitization include cost reduction, standardization, playability, sustainability, and future security.

  • The big challenge here is to connect heterogeneous machine parks. Manufacturing companies usually have both brownfield machines, which were not intended for digitization, and state-of-the-art machines.
  • Another problem is that different manufacturers and control systems communicate with each other in different ways. This implements a digitization project, a major challenge.

The EDGE CONNECT features the so-called Machine Connectivity & Model, which makes machine connectivity a breeze. Machine signals are interpreted and standardized.

EDGE Composition Layer

The EDGE composition layer derives logical machine states. A simple scripting language ensures that status events are generated from various signal combinations. This is a major contributor to brownfield success, as actionable information is easily extracted from older machines. The composition layer ensures the standardization of the reporting capability for this purpose. Individual events can also be created. The scripts also make it possible to react to events and write values to the machine’s control unit.


Success Story: FORCAM partner increases efficiency and decreases scrap.   Learn How