Application Partners

Tool management with TDM Global Line

TDM Systems – Excellence in Tool Lifecycle Management

TDM Systems GmbH, Tübingen, has been the leading provider of Tool Data Management in the field of machining for over 25 years. With its Tool Lifecycle Management strategy, TDM Systems focuses primarily on process optimization through optimal tool planning and provision. The creation and editing of tool data and graphics, the integration of tool know-how, and 3D graphics into CAM planning, and the organization of the complete tool cycle at shop floor level are among the three core competencies of TDM Systems and form the pillars of the TDM-TLM strategy. As a competence center within the Sandvik Group, TDM Systems can draw on the know-how of various tool manufacturers in the development of its software products.

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Success Story: FORCAM partner increases efficiency and decreases scrap.   Learn How