Application Partners

Low-Code UI with Simplifier

The low-code platform for business apps

As the Würzburg-based software producer of the low-code platform Simplifier, we enable the sustainable digitalization of business processes. Our core competence is the configurative creation (low-code) of integrated business applications based on modern and innovative (web) technologies. This enables our customers and partners to create integrated business and IoT applications a sustainable way to implement digitization strategies more efficiently. Not only can existing system landscapes, machines, and equipment be integrated, but applications can also create device- and operating system-independent without significant programming effort. Simplifier is, therefore, suitable for the digitization of internal business processes as well as for the development of new digital business models.

  • Web-based, collaborative app creation
  • App-in-App and multidevice concept
  • Flexible integration layer
  • Only low code platform for OpenUI5
  • Over-the-air and real-time updates
  • No vendor lock-in

Product Pictures

Success Story: FORCAM partner increases efficiency and decreases scrap.   Learn How