
Machine data acquisition

Digitize all your machines, regardless of age and manufacturer

Digital transformation is only possible with real-time data from production. To achieve this, various machines and plants must be digitally networked. The big challenge: machines from different vintages and manufacturers must be connected to a central IT platform that uniformly evaluates all signals and makes them usable.

With the EDGE CONNECT connectivity solution, you digitally link all your machines. The central intelligence collects and processes the signals and provides a uniform machine data model for real-time analysis in MES FLEX. This provides a central data hub between the store floor and the pot floor (SAP/ERP) and between all third-party systems that are to be networked with your production data. Signals from production are standardized and translated into a uniform IT language.

Your added value:

  • Seamless integration of heterogeneous machinery in real time
  • Automatic acquisition, processing, storage and distribution of data
  • Support of all commercially available control types
  • Simple connection via plug-ins
  • Seamless integration of ERP with the machine level
Success Story: FORCAM partner increases efficiency and decreases scrap.   Learn How