Your NextGen Shop Floor Connectivity (Series 4 of 4)

Quick scalability and high performance

Find out more about how AC4DC can help you gain information from your heterogeneous machine park. By connecting your assets quickly and flexibly.

The challenges: 

  • Transparency of performance
  • Flexibility in manufacturing
  • Driving productivity, saving costs
  • Asset management
  • Cloud readiness
  • Cyber securitiy

With AC4DC, you can connect your store floor assets quickly and flexibly. You benefit from:

  • Configuration via cloud
  • Templates in a library
  • Smooth deployments
  • Semantic data model
  • Signal interpretation based on IEC standard

Would you like to find out more about AC4DC? Fill out the contact form, and you will receive the full document immediately by e-mail.

Success Story: FORCAM partner increases efficiency and decreases scrap.   Learn How